June 30, 2009

Finish Line in Sight

Who would’ve thought time would fly by so quickly? I’m already in my second week as an intern at Eisbrenner and I’m definitely learning a lot. I spent some time last week learning about public relations. I attended a client meeting last Wednesday, which was a great experience. Now it was time to see some of the staff in action. This morning, I attended another staff meeting. The staff was cracking jokes, which at 9 a.m. sure is a nice way to wake up!

I continued receiving tasks and assignments. Yesterday, my assignment was to look up a massive list of journalists and their profiles. Although this took quite a long time, I was able to become familiar with many writers from the area.

Today, I was given the opportunity to write some more. I drafted my first press release! However, I had to research how press releases were written before I could actually get started. But once I did that, I was off to the races!

Tomorrow is my last day as an intern. It has been a nice two weeks learning about public relations and being able to contribute to Eisbrenner.

I’ll be spending tonight preparing myself mentally for my tennis match versus Steve. He should do the same…

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June 29, 2009

Work, Work, Work!

On my official second day as an intern at Eisbrenner, we had a staff meeting in the morning where we discussed company priorities and current statuses with clients. I learned a lot, especially that the staff here has a great sense of humor!

Following the staff meeting, I received my very first assignments. My first task was to research potential article topics for a newsletter the company would be creating. The difficult thing about this was that the newsletter would be released in September. A lot can happen in two months. I searched countless sites for interesting information on new and developing products. Finally, when I came across a few articles that I knew could be potential candidates, I submitted my topics to my mentor and she approved. I felt a wave of satisfaction fall over me. Little did I know, this assignment was not over yet.

After I finished my first assignment, it was lunchtime. Regardless of what anyone thinks, I still believe lunch is the best part of the day!

As the day carried on I received another assignment and continued to learn more about the company and public relations. Social media is a progressively expanding aspect of public relations. My job was to find local journalists on twitter that Eisbrenner could follow. I’d never used Twitter before so this was a great opportunity to become familiar with the site.

As I neared the end of the day, I was informed that tomorrow I’d be writing a small article on one of the topics I researched today for the newsletter. All that work in college was going to pay off and I couldn’t wait to start writing!

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June 23, 2009

There's a First Time for Everything

My name is Angela Chupa and I’m a new intern at Eisbrenner Public Relations. I will be a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin – Madison this coming school year. I’m also on the women’s varsity tennis team. Many think playing sports at the collegiate level is very fun and exciting, which it is, but some people don’t realize that being rewarded in this way takes a lot of hard work, patience and sacrifices. Not to mention my oscillating stress level! Being a student athlete has not only helped me learn how to manage my time, but it has taught me a lot about teamwork and how important it is for success. I’m excited to apply my college learning experiences to my future responsibilities.

Today I started my first internship ever, and I was definitely nervous! I was unsure of what to expect on my first day at Eisbrenner. The last thing I wanted to do was to arrive late, so I left my house about 45 minutes too early. Instead of going into the office early, I decided to drive around town for about 30 minutes to waste time. However when I finally entered the office, I felt much more comfortable once I got settled in and started meeting people.

My first day of work consisted of meeting the staff and learning about the company and what they do. Everyone here is very friendly and easy to communicate with. I was able to ask a lot of questions throughout the day to get a better understanding of what public relations is all about. I didn’t receive any work today, but I’ve been informed I’ll receive some tomorrow.

I’m very thankful for this opportunity to work with the team and start developing useful skills for my future. I can’t wait to get started on my assignments!

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