What To Do or Not To Do Is The Question
Sometimes it’s easy to forget the various rules for sending out e-mails. I know there are certain things that peeve me when I read e-mails, and I always try to double and triple check the e-mails I send out for those things that drive me crazy.
I thought it might be best to share with you my top ten tips to avoid annoying your e-mail recipients.
I thought it might be best to share with you my top ten tips to avoid annoying your e-mail recipients.
- When sending e-mails please don’t go on and on about the topic or what you want to get across to the recipient of your e-mail. They usually won’t want to read long paragraphs and might get annoyed if they have to read a novel before they get to the point, which is keep text simple and concise.
- Watch for excessive punctuation!!!!!!!!!!!
- Wtch ur abrv, bc ppl might not know what u mn.
- If you are sending an e-mail out to a large group of people, BCC them so everyone doesn’t get their contact information. You don’t want to be responsible for someone being stalked.
- If you attach a large document, plan on get some flame e-mail, because you probably locked up their e-mail box or crashed their computer.
- “No Subject” is not an e-mail I’m jumping to read, so always write in the subject line.
- Could you just pay attention to how you say things? People can’t hear your tone of voice in an e-mail and might read it differently than you want.
- Keep the font simple and easy to read and don’t use crazy colors and graphics.
- Always rerad and use the spelchecker.
I hope these tips help you become a pro e-mail writer.
Happy e-mailing!