July 27, 2012

Be a Good One.

Abraham Lincoln famously once said, “Whatever you are, be a good one.” Good advice, don’t you think? As young professionals we often have lofty goals we strive for, which are great, but sometimes it can hinder our focus on being the best we can in this moment.

Instead of focusing so much on who we want to be, it can be helpful to focus on who we are right now. So what does that mean? It means to put your best effort into the task at hand, no matter how “mindless” it may seem. That is, concentrate on doing your best work even if you are just stuffing envelopes.

Recently, I was given the opportunity for a client event to brainstorm some topic suggestions and was able to use all the tools I’ve learned to come up with relevant ideas that my team loved! An opportunity like that won’t come around unless you’re constantly putting your best foot forward.

So go the extra mile and voice your ideas – even if they aren’t actually taken at least it’ll show you’re thinking creatively. By focusing on not only the big tasks but also the small ones, it shows how diligent you are – and by then, who wouldn’t want to give you that promotion you want?

It’s important that no matter what position we hold, whether that’s the intern or the president, we are striving to be the very best. There’s no way you can make it all the way to your dream position unless you can perfect the art of those mundane tasks, like compiling media lists. So next time you’re lacking some motivation, try just being “a good one” – whatever that may be right now. 

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