Eisbrenner Public Relations: The "Quan" of internships
“Jerry Maguire” is one of the best dramas I’ve ever seen. When I was younger, I would’ve classified the movie as a romantic comedy. I mean, who could forget the scene where he barges in on the divorced women’s meeting, completely vulnerable to the emotional instability of lonesome, angry women, swallowing his pride as he professes his love to Dorothy?
Ok, so maybe there’s still a part of me that gushes over the love story, but working at Eisbrenner Public Relations has altered my perspective of the film.
What’s even more memorable than the legendary quote “you complete me,” are quotes that relate to public relations. Some notable quotes that I think resonate into the realm of PR include:
“Help me help you”: It’s important to understand the client’s needs and goals before taking any action. Often, two executives in the same company have a goal in mind but different strategies for reaching it. In these situations, getting everyone on the same page and developing key messages is important for stronger brand recognition.
The “Quan”: According to Maguire’s only client, Rod Tidwell, “It means love, respect, community and the dollars, too. The package: The ‘Quan.” PR may be a business practice implemented to positively affect a company’s bottom line, but more than that, it’s about a company’s position in its community. Loving the community and making ethical decisions leads to trust and respect from clients and the public.
“Show me the money!”: Profit is always something companies have in mind. Due to the economic downturn, many companies don’t have as much money to spend on PR efforts. That’s why creativity is important in this business. If a company knows you can get the job done with limited funds or resources, it’s more likely to trust you with larger PR activities.
“Did you know the human head weighs eight pounds?”: Understanding your client’s industry and its jargon will positively impact your reputation as a reliable and knowledgeable PR practitioner. Lately, instead of watching “Jersey Shore” or immediately logging on to Facebook, I watch the local news or read the New York Times.
“The key to this business is personal relationships”: I’ve always known PR is about having relationships with the media and people who might have an impact on a client or the agency, but it wasn’t until I started working at Eisbrenner PR that I realized just how far professional relationships and courteous conduct can get someone.
Every time a PR professional interacts with someone that person should have a positive experience. They don’t have to be clients. It could be the waiter at a restaurant, someone applying for a position within the company or a stranger asking for directions. Maybe that restaurant needs a PR firm for an event and the waiter remembers your kindness, or that job candidate gets a position as a journalist for a local publication. Each encounter with another person is a chance to make a positive lasting impression.
“I just want to be inspired”: More than anything, I’ve learned that in order to be successful, passion is important. If my heart is empty, my brain doesn’t matter. Jerry Maguire found success because he had a passion for the sports industry.
Ok, so maybe there’s still a part of me that gushes over the love story, but working at Eisbrenner Public Relations has altered my perspective of the film.
What’s even more memorable than the legendary quote “you complete me,” are quotes that relate to public relations. Some notable quotes that I think resonate into the realm of PR include:
“Help me help you”: It’s important to understand the client’s needs and goals before taking any action. Often, two executives in the same company have a goal in mind but different strategies for reaching it. In these situations, getting everyone on the same page and developing key messages is important for stronger brand recognition.
The “Quan”: According to Maguire’s only client, Rod Tidwell, “It means love, respect, community and the dollars, too. The package: The ‘Quan.” PR may be a business practice implemented to positively affect a company’s bottom line, but more than that, it’s about a company’s position in its community. Loving the community and making ethical decisions leads to trust and respect from clients and the public.
“Show me the money!”: Profit is always something companies have in mind. Due to the economic downturn, many companies don’t have as much money to spend on PR efforts. That’s why creativity is important in this business. If a company knows you can get the job done with limited funds or resources, it’s more likely to trust you with larger PR activities.
“Did you know the human head weighs eight pounds?”: Understanding your client’s industry and its jargon will positively impact your reputation as a reliable and knowledgeable PR practitioner. Lately, instead of watching “Jersey Shore” or immediately logging on to Facebook, I watch the local news or read the New York Times.
“The key to this business is personal relationships”: I’ve always known PR is about having relationships with the media and people who might have an impact on a client or the agency, but it wasn’t until I started working at Eisbrenner PR that I realized just how far professional relationships and courteous conduct can get someone.
Every time a PR professional interacts with someone that person should have a positive experience. They don’t have to be clients. It could be the waiter at a restaurant, someone applying for a position within the company or a stranger asking for directions. Maybe that restaurant needs a PR firm for an event and the waiter remembers your kindness, or that job candidate gets a position as a journalist for a local publication. Each encounter with another person is a chance to make a positive lasting impression.
“I just want to be inspired”: More than anything, I’ve learned that in order to be successful, passion is important. If my heart is empty, my brain doesn’t matter. Jerry Maguire found success because he had a passion for the sports industry.
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