Backyard Discoveries
One of America’s most beloved sports commentators and columnists, Mitch Albom, once said, “The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you and devote yourself to creating something that gives you meaning.”
After attending Discover, Engage, Transform (DET), a program held by the Detroit Regional Chamber and Intern In Michigan, these words took on an entirely new meaning for me. It became more than a philosophy, but a course of action.

Enjoying the view of the Detroit skyline from Belle Isle with other “DET” interns.
This new direction spawned from a discussion on passion with local interns at the Renaissance Club on June 10. “Passion”, as they suggested, “was the process of thinking less with your head and more with your heart.” Although I was told to think less with my head, this discussion really got me thinking – what is my true passion?
With every new day, I discover new things I’m passionate about. During the second session of the “DET” program, I found another in one of the most unlikely places – Detroit.
Ironically enough, Detroit is a place not too far from where I was born and raised. It wasn’t until after seeing landmarks like Belle Isle, the Guardian Building and Indian Village that I realized how little I knew about the city. In fact, I never even knew of these landmarks until our bus tour.
I’m quickly realizing great things are happening in the city. I previously held a belief that unfortunately kept me from spending more time in Detroit. But, after seeing initiatives like The Heidelberg Project, Eastern Market and local boutiques, the City Bird and the Bureau of Urban Living, my perception has completely changed.

LEFT: An outdoor art project located on Detroit’s Heidelberg Street, which includes a series of houses lavishly painted and obscurely decorated with items found throughout the city.
CENTER: Sitting underneath the Soldiers and Sailors’ Monument in Detroit’s Campus Martius Park with another intern, Julia Wendzinski.
RIGHT: Checking out the selection of local produce, meats, spices and other products, including antique bicycles and Mason jars, at the R. Hirt Jr. Co. (1893) in Eastern Market.
Now, I’m inspired to learn more. I’m ready to explore and eager to do my part in transforming Detroit. It’s suiting to follow Mitch Albom’s advice, seeing how he is a fellow Detroiter, and devote myself to what will ultimately give my life meaning.
I never thought it was possible, but the City of Detroit has found a special place in my heart that I know with time will only grow stronger as I continue to explore. If you haven’t had the opportunity to explore Detroit yourself, I‘d encourage you to. You may be surprised what you can discover in your own backyard!
Share your discoveries and stories with me and let’s uncover the treasures of Detroit together.

Labels: Community, Detroit, Discoveries, Passion
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