October 01, 2009

When it rains, it pours

I love storms, especially those that involve bright lightning and loud thunder. However, the storms I love the most are brainstorms. There’s something exciting about pouring every thought you have about a topic on paper and turning it into a cohesive, masterful idea. This excitement for fresh and creative thinking is something Eisbrenner and I have in common.

I recently participated in an exciting naming brainstorm for one of our clients who is looking for a name that is more reflective of who they are. Eisbrenner came to the rescue, and before Mr. Potato and I knew it, we were in the thick of an idea downpour.

I’ve never been in a more creative and passionate atmosphere. It was clear the new name would need to be equal to the task of representing the environment of the organization, as it did the programs it implemented. Our first step toward a new name required a focused look at what this group wanted to accomplish, and the goals and relationships that made them successful.

Following this discussion, we each wrote down five words that we believed described the organization, and then drenched the white board with our ideas. However, the storm wasn’t over; it was time to decide on a name.

Naming an organization is much like naming a child. We wanted something original, but classy. It had to fit with the mission like a first name fits a last. We had to consider nicknames that might develop as a result. Things I never thought about became important, like who had a similar name, what reputation the company had, and was the website name available?

After much deliberation we finally settled on one. Who would’ve thought renaming could be so hard?

Its days like these that the potato head and I realize why we chose public relations. It allows us to help passionate people communicate important messages!

Let’s try a little brainstorming here. Let me know what you want to hear about by writing your ideas in the comment section.

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Blogger Jessica said...

Love this post, Jared!

Now we have all the fun of designing a new logo for the new name... exciting stuff!

10/06/2009 5:15 PM  

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