September 09, 2009

A sight for four eyes

Today Mr. Potato Head and I dove right into work. I was given a variety of projects, each with a different scope and deadline. As I worked on each project, I kept a detailed record of where I spent my time to be sure I’m as productive as possible. Not a simple task if you’ve never done it before, but I managed to get the hang of it eventually.

Though each project was a learning experience, the review process is where I learned the most. Nothing was more important than having two sets of eyes look over my work. At Eisbrenner Public Relations it’s not just my work that gets looked over, but the entire office’s. Each piece is scanned carefully to ensure the work is accurate, because having accurate work is just as important as timely work.

I read and reread, but still made mistakes. I’m happy to have a “buddy” to ask questions and get suggestions. Holly has been terrific at helping me shape my ideas and refine my work.

Many of the edits to my work could have been easily fixed by looking closely at The Associated Press Stylebook. I now have my copy sitting within reach in my cube. As I begin to learn more about AP Style, I hope to post a few of those insights here. I’m now following the AP Stylebook on twitter, if you aren’t you should add @APStylebook for tips and advice.

I expect with time the edits will be less, and the time keeping process will become easier, but for now the Potato Head and I will be paying close attention to dotting our i’s and crossing our t’s, but most especially to only having one space between our sentences.

If you’re interested in what an intern does here at Eisbrenner leave a question in the comments section, and I will do my best to address them in my posts.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know we also have an subscription? You can find the password and username in the Outlook Public Folders (under How To). I *heart* AP Style!!

9/10/2009 5:06 PM  

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