September 19, 2008

When Grades Don’t Matter

Many students aren’t unlike myself and pass through their courses in college by doing what is listed on the syllabus and not much more. I’m not one to deny the fact that I have written a term paper the hour before it’s due, which left me with very little time to edit my paper and to actually put some real thought into it. However, I would receive a passing grade and most likely an A, which allowed me to get into the habit of doing the bare minimum.

This has trained me to just get the assignment accomplished on the due date and not actually put a lot of effort into making it perfect. At Eisbrenner, I have learned this isn’t the right attitude to have. It’s important to look at every piece of work you turn in and really figure out why you are working on the assignment, because it’s no longer for a grade, but for a client. Clients expect your work to be perfect and why shouldn’t they since they’re paying for your services.

The work I’m doing isn’t about just turning it in on a due date to get the check mark in the grade book, but it’s about using my skills and knowledge to make the end product the best it could possibly be.

So, the lesson for today is to realize the importance of the work you do and how important it is to insist excellence in everything you do, even if you think it’s menial.

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