November 20, 2007

Mission: A New Office Wardrobe

Over the weekend, I was watching one of my favorite TV shows, How Do I Look? . A recent college graduate was preparing for life in the professional world and needed a wardrobe makeover. In my last post, I confessed my fears of graduating and finding a full-time job. After watching the fashion victim make a marvellous transformation into a stylish trendsetter, I began to think about my own wardrobe and how it would make the change from college life to the professional world.

Earlier this semester, my coworker, Ashley, lent me a book, Emily Post's The Etiquette Advantage in Business. The book had some great tips that clued me in as to what was (and was not) appropriate office behavior. Since I'd had good luck with what Emily Post had to say in that book, I decided to check out what the etiquette guru had to say on the topic of dressing for success. I visited the Emily Post Web site and found some interesting tips on many different topics, but I especially liked the College and Beyond section. All of the pointers under "Getting a Job" are great pieces of advice, but there isn't too much on dressing for success in the business world.

Not discouraged by the lack of dressing advice on the Web site, I went to Borders in search of a print copy of an etiquette book. And there I found my new bible, 21st Century Etiquette: Charlotte Ford's Guide to Manners for the Modern Age. It's only 304 pages (relatively short compared to Emily Posts's 896 pages) and easy to read. And it contains a great many wardrobe tips for the young professional as well as a list of the basic items every person new to the business world should invest in.

For instance, Charlotte says that what every young professional really needs is one good suit. After you have the suit, she says, you can mix it up by wearing different tops under it. She also gives an idea of what all the different "dress codes," such as corporate casual, corporate comfortable, dress casual, etc., entail.

Mission accomplished.


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