November 15, 2007

Nearing the End

Exactly 30 days from today, I will be a graduate of Eastern Michigan University . While I'd like to say that I feel great about graduating, that I'm so happy to be almost done, the truth is graduating from college is scary! When I finished high school, I knew exactly what I wanted to do - I wanted to go to college. (I wasn't sure what I would study, but I figured that I could tackle that problem later.)

Three and one-half years later, the situation is a bit different. I've spoken with a few of my professors about what I should do next, and some have advised me to continue my studies in graduate school. Others have told me to focus my efforts on trying to find my dream job now and worry about continuing my education later. Still others have only discouraged me by talking about the poor job market in Michigan.

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Despite all my stressing, I did find an interesting Web site that has given me some insight into the future of the PR field. It's called All About Public Relations and includes some great statistics about the PR field and where it's going, along with interview and job hunting tips. If you're reading this blog, then you're probably thinking about a career in PR yourself, so I highly recommend taking a look at the site. If nothing else, it might give you a better feel for what PR is all about.


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