October 12, 2007

The Balancing Act

After what seemed like an incredibly long summer-I can't believe I just typed that- the temperature has finally dropped below sixty, the leaves are starting to turn color and everyone is serving apple cider. One other sign of fall has arrived too- the onslaught of homework.

As I am taking several 400- level classes and doing an internship this semester, I feel a bit overwhelmed. Luckily, I am finding one of the lessons I learned at Eisbrenner PR, prioritizing, very helpful.

Working at a firm means balancing various clients' needs and requests. In just this week alone, I have done work for more than a half dozen clients. When I first started I was not sure how to handle the work load; I didn't know what order to do things in or how long I should spend on different projects. Amazingly, within a short time I started to just know what to do first, second, third... and how long I needed to spend on each assignment.

There are certain things you can't learn in the classroom, like balancing a workload. Fortunately, there are internships. And interestingly enough, many of the things you learn during an internship, like prioritizing, can be used in other areas of your life, like homework.


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