April 26, 2007

Time Flies

This is officially my last week at Eisbrenner PR. Through this internship, I have had many opportunities to learn what PR is all about.

Briefly, I have had the opportunity to attend/assist in events, tighten my writing skills, develop media lists, improve my research skills and think bigger.

However, the most important aspect of working in this agency has been watching the business relationships around me. From weekly PD’s and client brainstorm meetings to filling Sean’s cube with balloons, this is what makes public relations anything but a “typical” job.

I would highly recommend participating in an internship program, especially if you are in the communications or public relations career path. In fact,
according to the United States Department of Labor, an internship is becoming essential to obtaining entry-level employment within PR.

This may be the only thing that gives college graduates a competitive advantage over their peers. Do you have any other advice to offer college students?


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