November 01, 2006

“To be on a quest is nothing more or less than to become an asker of questions”

In relation to the quote above, we are all on our own sort of quest, and asking questions about anything and everything you can is the best way to get where you’re going. One of the most important lessons I have learned in my time here is the importance of asking questions.

Put simply, questions equal knowledge. When I get back a press release full of edits, what good does it do me to simply make the edits? Instead, I want to know why I need to make the edits.

The aspect of asking questions can be applied to almost every part of the internship. Ask your co-workers about their previous work experience, what projects they are working on and what their suggestions are about getting into the PR world.

You’re not going to learn much if you sit back and let everything happen around you. You need to step up and get involved. Ask away…


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