October 04, 2006

Press Conference

Monday morning I had the opportunity to go to my very first press conference. The conference was for an automotive study being released by the Harbour-Felax Group. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but it was definitely a learning experience.

I was assigned the task of making nametags and filling in information for journalists that hadn’t confirmed. There is so much work that goes into a press conference and I tried to absorb every detail I could. One of the important points I picked up is that the conference can be an opportunity to speak with journalists to see what other stories they are working on, as well as to develop relationships with them.

Although the actual conference was a great experience, seeing the
coverage the conference received was equally impressive. It was evident some of the journalists were going to take a different spin on the study through the questions they were asking, and seeing the difference between what people wrote was very interesting.


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