May 24, 2006

The Secret to Success

You've probably heard it before, but the secret to a great career is to begin with a plan. Assume nothing, but research everything. If you are like me, and are fortunate enough to hold an internship where people not only love their job but take great pride in what they do, you can learn one of their many secrets to success. This is a great article on making good career choices.

PR career planning -- choose your adventures wisely

What else can you do? Talk to your mentor. Don't have one? Get with the program! Literally. PRSSA members in Metro-Detroit can take advantage of a great program called Protégé. It links you with a practicing PR professional. This way, you can bounce all of your questions and concerns off of them. You even get to attend valuable events to strengthen your knowledge base as a young professional. Don't have time? Refer to my previous blog about networking and learn how to make great contacts and develop relationships. Graduating and moving into the "real world" can be daunting, but great if you have someone to help you.


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