April 10, 2006

Jump Start Your Brain

Just a Thought:

In school, at least at Wayne State, writing seems to be a big part of the public relations curriculum. Although public relations does involve a lot of writing, it definitely is a lot more than that (Like the strategic aspects of it).
This is all to say that no matter how much you are 'prepped' in school, you will face challenges while writing. Especially as you receive more in depth projects.
Today seemed to be a day filled with writing, mostly releases. I've found, that the best way to get started on a release, is first by reading as much about it as you can, and then writing. It sounds so simple, but sometimes 'just writing' seems to be the most difficult part. What do I do when I'm staring at a blank screen? Start typing. No, most likely my ideas will not come easily, and I might struggle with the flow of the release, but at this point in my writing process, getting thoughts down is much better than not writing at all.
Once you have something on the screen, you can then print it out and reread it for clarity. Also, get messy if you have to! I highlight important parts and make all kinds of editing marks on my first few drafts. I write questions in the margins, and make it a point to remember my audience. It helps me get my thoughts in order. Yes, I did say first few drafts, because you will definitely write a few before passing it on. After those drafts, I put it down for a few hours or even a day, and revisit it. It has helped a lot in terms of getting my point across, that's what you want to do in the end, isn't it?? Lastly, get to know your AP Stylebook very well, I promise it will become one of your best friends.


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