January 24, 2006

Allow me to introduce myself....

It's been two weeks now, and it's definitely time to introduce myself =) My name is Karmen Hardy, and I'm the new intern at Eisbrenner Public Relations. I'm a senior at Wayne state University. My major is Journalism with a concentration in public relations and my minor is Spanish. (Si, espaƱol). Also I'm the Co-Vice President & Publicist of the WSU James S. Measell Chapter PRSSA.
I'm sure some of you are like what'ss taken her so long to start writing??" and even more of you are anxiously anticipating me to spill the beans on what it's like to be an intern at an agency that was voted one of the coolest places to work in 2005..

.Welll wait no more.Theree will definitely be plenty of bean spillage on the ins and outs of this truly exciting experience.

With that introduction out of the way, I'll get right down to business. For the past two weeks, I have been adjusting to my new environment. Eisbrenner's culture doesn't support the type of internship where you are thealmightyy coffee brewer or theofficiall wild goose chaser of seemingly impossible tasks. In my two weeks, I've learned that insisting excellence rings true for every member of the Eisbrenner team, including myself.

If you've ever taken a foreign language class, you might have heard the theory that the best way to learn a language is to be immersed in it. The same is true of PR. Yes, I've taken classes on the fundamentals, but this internship is my first take on immersing myself in the world of public relations, more specifically business to business Automotive PR. With the support of my mentor Sara Prose as well as the rest of the Eisbrenner team, I'm sure I won't drown =)


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