October 21, 2005

Third Weeks the Charm

I am finishing up my third week here and can’t believe how fast life is passing by. Happily, things are so much smoother here and I actually feel like I know what I’m doing =) The past three weeks have kept me very busy and that’s how I like it. I am starting to be self-sufficient now and have begun to learn the ropes of the PR industry. Actually I haven’t been learning about “ropes” per say it’s more about media relations and press conferences but who’s counting?

Last week I went to my very first press conference for Automation Alley. Eisbrenner was there to facilitate a press conference for the release of the Anderson Report (by the way the report provided confirmation that Automation Alley is leading the way in the new economy). Ok that was a shameless plug alert. Anyways, it was quite an experience for me since I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect. There were presenters, media and board members in attendance. I especially enjoyed the Q&A portion when the journalists are allowed to ask the speaker’s questions. Sometimes the media will be tricky in the type of questions they ask in order to get the spin they are looking for on a particular story. All in all it was a great learning experience for me, I especially loved watching the speakers and critiquing them on their performance. Since I have to give so many speeches for school it was interesting watching professionals speak. It almost makes me want to stand up and give a speech right now (almost).

Aside from the press conference, I also attended a “Meet the Media” session where a group of us met a few journalists who provided advice on how to pitch a story to them. I learned that most reporters won’t be annoyed with you calling/e-mailing them as long as you are to the point and relevant with your story.

Also I attended a professional development session, which was informative and fun (something that I didn’t even know was possible). Every week we have a guest come into our office and meet with us to share experiences, advice and knowledge on their field of expertise. Yesterday it was a Professor Emerata from Walsh College who spoke about new business language. We learned how to shorten wordy, cumbersome sentences into concise, clear ones. I was almost an English major so this was appealing to me.

Furthermore, I am working with a client on Thanksgiving cards. It’s a very fun project and it’s more work than it sounds. We have to pick out the type of card, inside verse, personalization and narrow down a list of 3,000 contacts to a few hundred to send out. I’ll let you know how that goes…speaking of Thanksgiving only a month away can’t believe it!

I could probably go on writing forever but I don’t think you would want to keep reading forever so I wont. I’ll try to update maybe twice a week in the future so you can be right there with me through my whole internship (if you want you can literally be right here with me I have plenty of extra room at my desk as long as you don’t mind sitting on a To-Do pile). Check back soon for more updates and events from my Eisbrenner internship.


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